Fast where possible, slow if necessary
Intake based on a unique toolbox
Agreement on publication of vacancy and channels (customization)
Agreement and exchange on job title, profile description, best fit & selection procedure
Job posting and usual Search tools as well as database referrals, surveys within our senior network, active and personal approach to potential candidates
From market potential scan to Longlist and Shortlist
Continuous update Longlist
Thorough screening longlisted candidates (technical, behavioral, best fit & potential)
In depth interviews of Shortlisted candidates (technical, behavioral, best fit & potential AND fit with team & company culture)
Interview report upon presentation of selected candidate(s) incl. best fit candidate(s) vs. desired profile
Continuous update Shortlist
Exclusivity guarantees lead time, efficiency, transparency towards candidates, as well as the overall quality of the process and reflects the long term relationship of trust with clients and candidates
PROGRESSIO always strives for a client-oriented, reciprocal and balanced cooperation enabling structural partnership and long-term trust
Upon Request
PROGRESSIO is your trusted advisor on market trends, employer branding, selection and testing of candidates, as well as design of the internal process.
We advise and implement together with your people and ensure that the knowledge is 100% internally safeguarded afterwards. We rely on our experience, market knowledge and proven concepts in Senior & Executive Search.
Onboarding coaching for individuals and smaller teams in terms of HR and in areas where further technically substantive research is required e.g. Legislation Public Procurement (360° perspective client-contractor), Competition, Category Management, IT sourcing, Global Sourcing, ...
Check out our Clients References
Get in touch
For an intake regarding Senior or Executive Search contact Annemie Schuermans